Talisman of Taurus
& the Archangel Asmodel

Note: "Simon Jester" watermark does
not appear on actual talisman.

The earthy energies of Taurus promote stability, security, and confidence. Taurus is assigned to
the Path of Vau on the Tree of Life (#16)--a Path which connects the supernal Chokmah to
Chesed, the sephira of Loving Kindness. The Hierophant of the Tarot deck corresponds with
this Path and Sign, and bestows an awareness of true spiritual authority and a sense of reverence
for life. The magical sigil of Asmodel, the Archangel of Taurus and the Path of Vau,
is inscribed on the talisman along with Asmodel's name in Hebrew script.

Plain Parchment or card stock (2.75" diameter):
$5.95 + $2.50 shipping & handling

Parchment backed with green painted wooden disk
(3" diameter):

$8.95 + $2.50 Shipping & Handling

Framed Version: $12.95 + $5.00 Shipping and handling

Consecrated versions of these planetary talismans can be requested for
an additional charge of $15.00. Time must be allowed for the stars
& planets to be in the proper configurations for the charging & consecration
of talismans with the desired forces.

I accept money orders and PayPal
For requests and ordering information, email Simon Jester at:

The Symbolicon

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